Planning Division
The Planning Act sets out the processes that the Municipality must follow when processing, reviewing and undertaking planning-related projects and applications. The Planning Act also requires that planning recommendations and decisions must be consistent with other policy statements issued by the Provincial Government, such as the Provincial Policy Statement and the Growth Plan for Northern Ontario.
Official Plan
An official plan describes your upper, lower or single–tier municipal council’s policies on how land in your community should be used. It is prepared with input from you and others in your community and helps to ensure that future planning and development will meet the specific needs of your community.
The Official Plan is a document that sets out the Municipality’s vision for development for the planning horizon. It directs where housing, industries, and commercial businesses can locate and sets out policies for the protection and preservation of farmland, the natural environment, and natural resources.
The Official Plan also sets out the policies and considerations for new development, such as the requirements for certain studies, infrastructure, and other related considerations.
Sophie Hautot
Land Use Planner
171 Fourth Avenue
Cochrane, ON P0L 1C0
Tel: 705-272-4361
Fax: 705-272-6068
Planning Links
Further information on planning and planning-related matters and legislation is available from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Below are appropriate website links and documentation.
Plan Amendment
Amendment Fee: $1,900 (Includes HST)
An Official Plan Amendment is required when the proposed development cannot meet the requirements of the Official Plan, or a development is being proposed in a designation where it is not permitted. Consultation with the Planning Department is required prior to applying for an Official Plan Amendment.
Application for Approval of an Adopted Official Plan or Plan Amendment
Zoning Bylaw
An official plan sets out your municipality’s general policies for future land use. Zoning bylaws put the plan into effect and provide for its day-to-day administration. They contain specific requirements that are legally enforceable. Construction or new development that doesn’t comply with a zoning bylaw is not allowed, and the municipality will refuse to issue a building permit.
Many municipalities have a comprehensive zoning bylaw that divides the municipality into different land use zones, with detailed maps. The bylaw specifies the permitted uses (e.g. commercial or residential) and the required standards (e.g. building size and location) in each zone.
Site Plan ControlÂ
Application Fee: $1,000 (Includes HST) + legal and registration costsÂ
A site plan control application ensures that land development and alteration meets the development standards and policies approved by the municipality. The Town’s Site Plan Control By-law identifies land uses that are subject to site plan approval, including:
- Commercial
- Industrial
- Institutional
- Multi-residential development
Site Plan Control Amendment
Application Fee: $600 (Includes HST) + legal and registration cost

Zoning Amendment
Amendment Fee: $1,900 (Includes HST)
A Zoning Bylaw Amendment is required when a proposed use is not permitted in the zone where the property is located, or where a proposed building or structure will vary greatly from the provisions of the Zoning Bylaw.
The Cochrane & Suburban Planning Board
The Town of Cochrane Planning Department operates under the authority of the Cochrane and Suburban Planning Board. Regular meetings of the Planning Board are held on the second Wednesday of every month, as required. The meeting schedule can be found below. In addition, special meetings may be called by the Chair. The Minister has delegated to the Planning Board the authority for Consent Granting, Subdivision approval and Zoning By-Law amendment approval.
Consent to Sever
Application Fee: $740 (Includes HST)
Consent to sever is required when an interest in land is being conveyed to another person. Consent to sever can take the form of a lot severance (creation of one or more new lots), a lot addition, a boundary adjustment, a right-of-way, or an easement.
Cochrane and Suburban Planning Board – Application for Consent to Sever Land
Application Fee $1,900 (Includes HST)
A Subdivision is when you divide a piece of land into two or more parcels and offer one or more for sale. Subdivision approval ensures that the land is suitable for the proposed new use, the proposal conforms to the official plan and zoning in your community, as well as to provincial legislation and policies and you, your neighbours and your community are protected from developments which are inappropriate or may put an undue strain on community facilities, services or finances.
Minor Variance
Application Fee: $370 (Includes HST)
A minor variance is required when a building or structure will vary slightly from the provisions of the Zoning Bylaw. A minor variance is a minor amendment to the Zoning Bylaw and is always specific to a particular property and building.
The Committee of Adjustment was established by Council, to consider and resolve application for a Minor Variance, from the provision of the municipality’s Zoning Bylaw. The Committee is comprised of five members of which one is appointed from Council.
Alice Mercier
171 Fourth Avenue
Cochrane, ON P0L 1C0
Tel: 705-272-4361
Fax: 705-272-6068
2023 Cochrane and suburban planning board and committee of adjustment meeting schedule
Board Structure
The membership of the Cochrane & Suburban Planning Board consists of the following people.
- 1 member from the unorganized territory included in the planning board area appointed by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
- 2 councillors from the Council
- 2 members from the Urban area
- 2 members from the Rural area
Cochrane & Suburban Planning Board - Terms of Reference
Download a copy of the most recent Cochrane & Suburban Planning Board terms of reference document.