Committees & Boards

Find all the information you need to know about the different Boards and Committees.
Committees & Boards

Leading a Strong Community

The Town of Cochrane has multiple Boards and Committees that are lead by local volunteers. Persons interested or willing to sit on any of the following Committees and Boards should fill out the application form Application for Vacant Committee Spots and submit it to the Clerk. Once a seat becomes vacant you will be notified.

Understand what each Board and Committee’s vision, mission and purpose is and who is pushing this vision forward. All boards and committees of the town must comply with the Municipal Act and, as a result, all meetings are made public. The Board and Committee Agendas and Minutes, as well as a schedule of upcoming meetings,  can be found on our Civic Web Portal. 

Committees & Boards

Below is a list of the Town of Cochrane’s current Committees and Boards. 

Pursuant to the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, S.O. 2001, Chapter 32, the Committee shall provide advice and assistance in the preparation of an Accessibility Plan, for presentation to Council in respect of such planning and operational matters affecting accessibility services in the Cochrane area. For a full description of the committee and its work, download a copy of their terms of reference.

The Cochrane Beautification Committee (CBC) is an advisory committee that recommends ways to inspire the residents and property owners to enhance the visual appeal of their neighbourhoods and public spaces, through the creative use of plants, trees and landscaping with overall respect to environmental stewardship. For a a full description of the Committee and its work, download a copy of their terms and reference.

The Cochrane Community Well-Being Framework Advisory Committee is reflective of the community of Cochrane which includes multi-sectoral representation. The Advisory Committee’s role is to provide input, direction, and perspectives on matters that impact the safety and well-being of Cochrane’ residents. For a full description of the committee and its work, download a copy of their terms of reference.

The purpose of the Cochrane Economic Development Steering Board is to have the different sector representatives of economic development in the community serve as the strategic thinkers of the economic development that they desire and expect, while steering the direction accordingly.

For a full description of the Board and its work, download a copy of their terms of reference.

The Board

  • Jennifer Tallman, Chair 
  • Chantal Chenier, Vice-Chair
  • Elaine Kolomeitz
  • Haley Cochrane
  • Chris Colbert
  • Vacancy 
  • Resource Person: Christina Blazecka-Noel, CEO/Secretary-Treasurer

The Cochrane Recreation & Special Events Board is established as a hybrid Municipal Board and Community Council. The purpose of the Board is to have the people of the community serve as the strategic planners and as an oversight body for the recreation and special events they desire and expect.

For a full description of the Board and its work, download a copy of their terms of reference.

Pursuant to Section 14(1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. S.12, as amended, a planning board shall provide advice and assistance in respect of such planning matters affecting the planning area as are referred to the board by the council or by the minister. For a full description of the committee and its work, download a copy of their terms of reference.

The Committee of Adjustment, upon the application of the owner of any land, building or structure affected by any Zoning By-Law, or a predecessor of such sections, or any person authorized in writing by the owner, may, despite any other Act, authorize such minor variance from the provisions of the by-law in respect of the land, building or structure or the use thereof, as in its opinion is desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building or structure, if in the opinion of the Committee the general intent and purpose of the by-law and the official plan, if any, are maintained. For a full description of the committee and its work, download a copy of their terms of reference.

Northern Ontario Energy Inc. (NOE Inc.) is an electrical contracting company which provides services to the area. In 1999, Bill 35 required all Municipal Electrical Utilities to become corporations under the Ontario Business Corporation Act. Northern Ontario Energy Inc. was created in order to deal with all non-regulated items as a result of incorporating the distribution company.
The Corporation of the Town of Cochrane is the single Shareholder of the Corporation and appoints Board Members, as required.

For a full description of the Board and its work, download a copy of their terms of reference.

Subject to those matters requiring Shareholder approval , the Board shall supervise the management of the business and affairs of the Corporation and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Board shall be responsible for overseeing the following specific matters: The establishment of appropriate reserves and a dividend policy for the Corporation and a declaration of any dividend or distribution of capital in respect of the shares of the Corporation. For a full description of the committee and its work, download a copy of their terms of reference.

Cassandra Child


171 Fourth Avenue
Cochrane, ON P0L 1C0
Tel: 705-272-4361 ext. 231
Fax: 705-272-6068

Email the Clerk

Application for Vacant Committee Spots

Those wishing to fill a vacant spot should fill out the following application and return it to the Clerk.

View Agendas & Minutes

The current Committees and Boards Agendas and Minutes can be viewed by visiting the Civic Web Portal.


Saturday, March 8th and Sunday, March 9th, 2025

Fifth Street will be closed  from intersection of 7th to 8th Avenue 

and east side of 9th to 11th Avenue

from 6:00 am to 7:00 pm