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Stardust Festival x Launch Canada

The Stardust Festival MAKING STEAM FOR EVERYONE! The festival will focus on all age groups on STEAM activities, on the importance of mental health awareness, mainstreaming Indigenous culture and knowledge systems in space research and exploration. The festival’s program includes traditional drumming ceremonies, cultural and mental health workshops, inspirational keynotes, an exhibition, as well as many northern social events!

The event is finished.

The Stardust Alliance would like to invite you, to be part of the Stardust Festival, a non-profit festival taking place between August 1st to August 6th, 2022, in Cochrane Ontario. The festivity’s mission is to celebrate, and promote our indigenous culture, raise awareness to mental illness, and to establish a space for the Canadian aeronautics, aerospace, and defence industry to connect with indigenous and rural northern youth to inspire and provide opportunities for equal access to STEAM education. The festival will be an unprecedented opportunity to invigorate the indigenous, and northern rural communities, to show our commitment to reconciliation and understanding of the challenges they face and help in someway mitigate some of the obstacles, especially in the education sector.

Inspirational leaders from the Canadian Space Agency, Blue Origin, Lockheed Martin, Virgin Galactic, Airbus, MDA, and NASA to name a few, will be telling their journeys through story telling, about how they got to where they are today, the mental resilience, the struggles, so that we can empower the future. Indigenous and northern leadership will also be giving inspirational talks to our youth, including the Grand Chief Derek Fox of Nishnawbe Aski Nations, during our Indigenous Celebrations Day.

The whole festival is free to everyone, alongside our festival, will also be Canada largest rocketry competition happening called Launch Canada.


Stardust Alliance
August 1 - 7, 2022
7:00 AM - 2:00 AM

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Notice of road closure

Monday, July 8, 2024, to Friday, September 27, 2024

Sixth Street from Fourth Avenue to Sixth Avenue

For the purpose of sanitary and storm sewer infrastructure upgrades.