Provincial Offenses

The Provincial Offences Act (POA) is a procedural statute that prescribed the manner in which offenses, including those created under municipal by-laws, are to be administered and prosecuted.
Provincial Offenses

Provincial Offences Office

All POA contraventions are dealt with through the issuance of a ticket. The POA prescribes the manner of serving notice of an offense to a defendant, payment periods, method of conducting the trials, sentencing, and appeals. The ministry of the Attorney General is responsible for the administration of this legislation.

Amended Bill 108

The Legislative Assembly enacted Bill 108, the Streamlining of Administration of Provincial Offences Act, 1997. The Bill amends the Provincial Offences Act to allow the Attorney General to enter into agreements with municipalities permitting them to undertake court administration and support functions. It also provides for the transfer of most prosecutions responsibilities to the local municipality. This Bill was part of the Provincial government overall review dealing with the re-alignment of public service delivery.

Guide for Defendants

Download a copy of the Ontario Court of Justice’s Guide for Defendants in Provincial Offences Cases. This Guide provides defendants with general information about the court process for provincial offenses cases.

Lookup Your Ticket

Check the status of your traffic tickets and fines.

Traffic & Other POA Tickets

The following list of acts are non-criminal charges, primarily laid by the police and other provincial offence officers. In addition, you will find key contacts, notice and ticket issuers, along with the notice of provincial offence acts.

Non-Criminal Acts

The non-criminal acts include those committed by the following:

  • Highway Traffic Act: includes offences such as speeding, careless driving, or not wearing your seat belt.
  • Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act: includes offences such as failing to surrender your insurance card, or possessing a fake or invalid insurance card.
  • Liquor Licence Act: includes offences such as being intoxicated in a public place or selling alcohol to a minor.
  • Trespass to Property Act: includes offences such as entering premises when entry is prohibited or failing to leave premises after being directed to do so.
  • Town bylaws (Cochrane, Kapuskasing, Hearst): includes bylaws such as the traffic and parking, noise, taxi, animal care, and more.

Most provincial offence charges result in out-of-court fine payments. Citizens issued with provincial offence tickets are responsible for carefully reading the back of the ticket for a complete list of their options.

Notice & Ticket Issuers

A provincial offence notice or ticket can be issued by the following government or non-government entities:

  • Bylaw Enforcement
  • Parking Enforcement
  • Fire Services
  • Ontario Provincial Police
  • Ministry of Transportation
  • Ministry of Environment
  • Ministry of Labour
  • Ministry of Natural Resources
  • Ministry of Health & Long Term Care
  • Workplace Safety & Insurance Board
Notice of Provincial Offence Acts
  • Part I Notice: is a ticket is issued to an individual
  • Part III Notice: is a summons (including a first appearance court date

The Town of Cochrane has its own administration and prosecution office and courtrooms to deal with charges laid under the Provincial Offences Act (POA).

linda JOANIS

POA Manager

171 Fourth Avenue
Cochrane, ON P0L 1C0
Tel: 705-272-2538

Email Linda

Kim Guillemette Law

Municipal Prosecutors

A-174 Algonquin Boulevard East
Timmins, ON P4N 1A9
Tel: 705-269-0196

Email Kim

Payments & Legal Proceedings

To pay a certificate of offence, it is important to carefully read the instructions on the back of the document to find what are the possibilities for payment and legal proceedings. Three options may be chosen from, as they are described below.

Guilty Plea With Payment

Option 1

To plead guilty and pay a certificate of offence, please follow the instructions on the back of the ticket. Please note that penalties are charged in case of late payment. The unpaid fines will be sooner or later forwarded to a collection agency and may result in a suspension of your driver’s license. Please note that a motion may be presented for an extension of time to the pay fine. A offences extension form must be filled out.

Secure Online Payment

Save time and pay online. Visit to make a payment online with a credit card (MasterCard or Visa). You must have your certificate of offence and your driver’s license number on hand. Administration fees apply when using this method of payment.

Mail Your Payment

Send your cheque or money order to the following address.

Provincial Offences Office

1 – 171 Fourth Avenue
Cochrane, ON P0L 1C0
Tel: 705-272-2538

Pay In Person
Visit us at Town Hall and make a payment in person. Accepted payment methods are as follows:
  • Cheque
  • Money order
  • Credit card
  • Debit card
  • Cash
Pay By Phone
Simply dial 705-272-2538 during business hours and make a payment using your Visa or MasterCard.

Plead guilty with an explanation

Option 2

To plead guilty and pay a certificate of offence, please follow the instructions on the back of the ticket. Please note that penalties are charged in case of late payment. The unpaid fines will be sooner or later forwarded to a collection agency and may result in a suspension of your driver’s license. Please note that a motion may be presented for an extension of time to the pay fine. A offences extension form must be filled out.

By choosing this option as a “walk-in-guilty” you are stating that you are guilty but wish to provide more information about your ability to pay the fine or that you need more time to pay.

At this time a virtual appointment must be scheduled in advance with a Justice of the Peace

Please note that according to the explanation, the Justice of the Peace may:

  • Reduce the amount of the fine.
  • Grant an extension of time to pay a fine.

The Justice of the Peace may not:

  • Reduce the accusation.
  • Remove or reduce applicable demerit points.
Get in touch

Please call the Provincial Offences Office at 705-272-2538 or email Melissa Johnson to schedule an appointment.

Plead not guilty

Option 3

Unless otherwise advised or indicated, matters will continue to be heard electronically via the Zoom platform. Individuals who require a disability-related accommodation or assistance are required to contact the POA office to advise that they wish to appear in-person.

If you have been advised by the Provincial Offences Office that your matter will be heard in-person, please be advised of the following COVID-19 guidelines and protocols that have been put into place:

  • Anyone attending court in person is required to monitor themselves for symptoms prior to attending their court matter. If you are experiencing any symptoms related to COVID-19 please remain at home and the POA Office at 705-272-2538 or email us to have your matter rescheduled.
  •  All those who attend court will be required to complete COVID-19 screening. The screening can be completed online prior to attending court using the Ontario Courthouse Screening tool and selecting Cochrane, Hearst or Kapuskasing – Provincial Offences Courthouse. When you arrive at the courthouse you will be asked to provide your results. If screening is not completed online prior to attending, screening will be conducted in person upon arrival.
  • Proper PPE such as masks must be worn at all times when in court.
  •  Physical distancing requirements are indicated and will be adhered to, including capacity limits in the courtroom and waiting areas.
  • Plexiglass barriers have been installed in the courtroom and appropriate physical distancing measures have been put into place.

Please do not attend court in-person unless you have been advised that your matter be heard in-person

If you choose this option and want to enter a plea of not guilty, you must complete option 3 at the back of the blue copy of your offence notice or you can complete a Notice of Intention to Appear. The selected document can be filed at the provincial offence administration office or by mail at the address indicated on the ticket.

If you receive a summons you must attend court on the date recorded. It is your responsibility to attend court on your assigned date. If you are not present for your court date a trial date will be set for you or a warrant may be issued for your arrest. You will not receive notification if a trial date has been set. You are responsible for checking with the Courts if you miss your summons date.

When you appear on the date of your summons you will have to plead guilty or not guilty to the offence and choose one of the following options:

  • Adjourn to obtain an agent or Council.
  • Adjourn to obtain disclosure.
  • Adjourn to speak with a Prosecutor about a resolution.

Appearing in court for a summons could result in conviction and possible suspension of your license. To make the necessary arrangements, please call 705-272-2538.

Payments & Legal Proceedings


Saturday, March 8th and Sunday, March 9th, 2025

Fifth Street will be closed  from intersection of 7th to 8th Avenue 

and east side of 9th to 11th Avenue

from 6:00 am to 7:00 pm