Roads & Sidewalks

Find all the information you need to know about the town's roads & sidewalks.
Roads & Sidewalks

Infrastructure of Roads

The Infrastructure Services department provides the required maintenance of all roads, bridges, and ditches within the Town of Cochrane and the local area. Everything from street repairs to storm sewer maintenance, and everything in between.

Division Services

Below is a detailed listing of these described services provided by the Infrastructure Services department throughout all four northern seasons.

Street Repairs

Hot mix asphalt and pavement patching is carried during the summer and fall seasons with cold mix pothole patching occurring in the spring as required. Gravel roads are graded and resurfaced on an as required basis.

Street Sweeping

Each spring, streets are swept to remove winter sand buildup. Ongoing street sweeping and washing is carried out in summer and fall as required.

Street Snow Plowing

The snow plowing of streets is normally carried out if any of the following conditions exist:

  • Approximately 10 centimetres (4 inches) of new snow has fallen
  • Less than 10 centimetres but drifting conditions occurring
  • Accumulations which have built up for several days which impede traffic flow
  • Accumulations on connecting link which require clearing

After a winter storm, roadways are plowed on a priority basis with major routes done first. The majority of roadways maintained on a snow packed surface.

Street Winter Sanding

Winter sanding is provided on a daily basis as required and on an emergency basis through the department on-call system. A daily sanding log is kept in the sanding unit and identifies road conditions and sectors and routes sanded during that particular day.

Snow Removal & Snow Dumps

Snow removal operations are carried out in both the commercial and some highly traveled residential or institutional areas on a priority roadway basis.

Ditch Maintenance & Brushing

A roadside ditch maintenance program is carried out each year to improve or reinstate drainage.

Bridge Maintenance

Municipal bridges requiring minor repairs as identified by inspection are undertaken by Municipal Operations.

Sidewalk & Curb Repair

Municipal Operations undertakes a program of sidewalk repairs and curb repairs each year based on identified needs.

Sidewalk Plowing, Sanding & Cleaning

In conjunction with roadway plowing and sanding, some sidewalks mainly along major routes and identified routes to schools are plowed and sanded during the winter months.

Storm Sewer Maintenance & Repair

Municipal Operations maintains and repairs storm sewers that collect rain run off from streets.

Director of Infrastructure Services

92 Second Street
Cochrane, ON P0L 1C0
Tel: 705-272-5086
Fax: 705-272-3583


Below is a link to the town’s minimum maintenance by-law.

Application forms

Below are links to featured application forms that fit within the Infrastructure Services division.



Saturday, March 8th and Sunday, March 9th, 2025

Fifth Street will be closed  from intersection of 7th to 8th Avenue 

and east side of 9th to 11th Avenue

from 6:00 am to 7:00 pm