Report It

If you see a problem around Town that needs to be fixed or if you require a service call, please use our Citizen Issue/Request Submission online service.
Report It

Report It

To help keep our community safe and clean, the Town of Cochrane encourages residents to report problems using our online Citizen Issue/Request Submission service.

You may use this service to report or inquire about:

  • Accessibility issues
  • Beach Inquiries
  • Bylaw enforcement (animal control, clean yard, noise, etc.)
  • Cemetery Inquiries (columbarium, plot purchases, bylaw, etc.)
  • Facility Inquiries (pool, arena, gym, pavilion)
  • Fire Permit inquiries
  • General Inquiries
  • Landfill Inquiries
  • Licencing (lottery, marriage, taxi, etc.)
  • Park Inquiries
  • Property Tax Inquiries (billing, tax certificate, etc.)
  • Roadside Inquiries (culvert, brushing, signs, sidewalks, tree issues, etc.)
  • Road Surface Inquiries (pothole, dust control, grading, flooded roadway, etc.)
  • Sewer Inquiries (manhole, blocked sewer, etc.)
  • Sport Field Inquiries
  • Trail Inquiries
  • Water Inquiries (loss of service, taste/odor, water meter, etc.)
  • Water/Wastewater Billing Inquiries
  • Winter Control Inquiries (snow removal, snowplowing, sanding, salting, etc.)

To report an emergency issue related to water or sewer, outside of regular business hours or on the weekend, please call 705-272-5445.

Report it

Click here to submit your issue or request.
Report it
Municipal Complaint

Municipal Complaint Policy 

The Town of Cochrane is committed to continuous improvement providing effective service delivery led by responsive and collaborative Town administration. This policy is intended to assist Town employees to promptly and effectively address program and service delivery complaints raised by the members of the public. This policy provides a mechanism to receive and respond to a complaint and will assist the Town in providing excellent customer service to the public and contribute to the continuous improvement of its operation. This policy should be utilized when a member of the public is not satisfied with the results of an informal discussion with Town Employees.

This policy applies to all Town Employees, services, programs, and facilities, as well as contractors, consultants, and volunteers working on behalf of the Town of Cochrane.

This policy does not apply to the following:

  • Members of Council, Committees, or Local Boards, (as they are governed by the Council Code of Conduct and investigated by the Integrity Commissioner);
  • Decisions made by Council, Committees, or Local Boards;
  • Matters that are handled by tribunals, courts of law, quasi-judicial boards, etc.;
  • Matters that have statutory review and appeal processes (including but not limited to, Municipal Freedom of Information Requests, Development Changes, Land Use Planning, By-Law Notices, etc.);
  • Insurance claims, or potential insurance claims;
  • Civil matters;
  • Complaints by employees about other employees or working conditions;
  • Anonymous, frivolous, or vexatious complaints;
  • Inquires, compliments, or suggestions; or
  • Request for services.

Other forms of feedback that are distinct from a complaint, shall be handled by a Town Employee through internal operating processes and procedures. The Town Employee will make every effort to handle all forms of feedback in a consistent and respectful manner.

Municipal Complaint Form

Submit Your Complaint



Saturday, March 8th and Sunday, March 9th, 2025

Fifth Street will be closed  from intersection of 7th to 8th Avenue 

and east side of 9th to 11th Avenue

from 6:00 am to 7:00 pm