Property for Sale

The Town of Cochrane has several properties available. You can find more information below.
Property for Sale

Site Selection Investments

The department of Economic Development works jointly with the department of the planning division to ensure that investors looking to invest in the Town of Cochrane have a rapid and smooth site selection process.


Property details, locations, and the bidder forms can be found within this section of the website, or may also be obtained at the municipal office during normal office hours. For additional inquiries on the properties, kindly contact the planning department.


If you are interested in purchasing one of the available lots, kindly complete the bidder’s form and submit it to the undersigned.

Sophie Hautot

Land Use Planner

171 Fourth Avenue
Cochrane, ON P0L 1C0
Tel: 705-272-4361 ext. 233


Bidder's Form


Please be advised that the following vacant land is available for purchase from the Town of Cochrane.

Roll Number:                   5639 020 001 38100 0000

Municipal Address:        East Part of 1678 Concession 10&11

Legal Reference:             BKN Lot 11, Concession 10, Glackmeyer, Part of PCL 2059LG

Frontage:                          Approximately 458 metres (1,503 feet) onto the Abitibi River

Depth:                               Irregular shaped lot

Area:                                  Approximately 495,118 square feet (11 acres)

Zoning:                              Rural (RU)

Official Plan:                    Rural Area

Additional Notes:          Property only has water access onto the Abitibi River. As the property has no access or frontage onto a municipal road maintained year round, permitted uses on the property are restricted as per Section 3.3 – access requirements of the zoning by-law. The 66 feet shoreline allowance is owned by Algonquin Power.

The subject lands currently form part of the larger parcel to the West of the Abitibi River (part of 1678 Concession 10&11). To separate the eastern portion of the lands, a survey would be required to be obtained at the purchaser’s cost.

Asking Price:                  $27,500 plus all applicable legal fees including survey

BKN Lot 11, and Part Lot 12, Concession 10, Glackmeyer, PCL 3770

Properties for Sale


Saturday, March 8th and Sunday, March 9th, 2025

Fifth Street will be closed  from intersection of 7th to 8th Avenue 

and east side of 9th to 11th Avenue

from 6:00 am to 7:00 pm