Application No. B2024-09
Owner: 14135474 Canada Inc.
Applicant: Junjie Ou
Take Notice that an application has been submitted to the Cochrane and Suburban Planning Board for a Provisional Consent to Sever pursuant to Section 53 of the Planning Act, c.P.13, R.S.O. 1990 as amended for lands known municipally as 211 Shelby Avenue and legally described as Part Lot 7, Part Lot 8, Concession 6, Lamarche Twp, being Part 7 on CR-23 in the Town of Cochrane, Roll No. 5639 020 001 12100 0000
The purpose of the application is to obtain approval to sever one (1) new lot consisting of approximately 4,360 square metres (0.436 hectares) of lot area, with approximately 90 metres (295.28 feet) of lot frontage on Second Street.
Location: The subject property is located within the Cochrane and Suburban Planning Area, as shown on the key map.
Prior to making a decision, the Cochrane and Suburban Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing to hear the views of the Public on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, at 7:00 p.m., local time, at Town Hall, 171 Fourth Avenue, Cochrane, Ontario. If you would like to participate in the public hearing, please email or call 705-272-4361 x 233 by Monday, January 27th, 2025. Leave your name and phone number, as well as the application file number or address of the property you are calling about. Staff will return your call/email and provide participation options and details, if you wish to participate electronically.
If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Cochrane and Suburban Planning Board in respect of the proposed consent, you must make a written request to the Board at the address noted below.
If a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Cochrane and Suburban Planning Board in respect of the proposed consent does not make written submission to the Cochrane and Suburban Planning Board before it gives or refuses to give a provisional consent, the Ontario Land Tribunal may dismiss the appeal.
Additional information relating to the application is available for inspection during regular office hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) at Town Hall, 171 Fourth Avenue. Any questions regarding the applications or requests for additional information can be directed to Sophie Hautot, Land Use Planner, or 705-272-4361 ext. 233.
Afin d’obtenir de l’information en français, veuillez communiquer au 705-272-4361.
                                  Dated at the Town of Cochrane
                                  This 13th day of January 2025
Alice Mercier, Secretary-Treasurer
Cochrane and Suburban Planning Board
c/o The Corporation of the Town of Cochrane
171 Fourth Ave., Cochrane, ON.  P0L 1C0
Tel: 705-272-4361Â Â Â Fax: 705-272-6068.
Applicant’s Sketch
Please use our citizen issue reporting system to submit your request or complaint.
Saturday, March 8th and Sunday, March 9th, 2025
Fifth Street will be closed from intersection of 7th to 8th Avenue
and east side of 9th to 11th Avenue
from 6:00 am to 7:00 pm