
The Town of Cochrane is committed to meeting the needs of persons with disabilities in a timely manner and shall do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility in customer service, information and communication, employment, the built environment and transportation.


The Town of Cochrane is committed and guided by the four core principles of Dignity, Independence, Integration and Equality of Opportunity.

The Town of Cochrane is committed to providing quality goods, services and facilities that are accessible to all persons we serve and in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities.

The Town of Cochrane is committed to meeting the needs of persons with disabilities in a timely manner and shall do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility in customer service, information and communication, employment, the built environment and transportation.

The Town of Cochrane is further committed to meeting the requirements of applicable legislation, including the AODA et le Code des droits de l'homme.

plans pluriannuels et rapports de situation annuels

La ville de Cochrane met tout en œuvre pour répondre aux besoins des personnes handicapées, en temps opportun, par la mise en œuvre des plans et politiques identifiés ci-dessous.

Plan d'accessibilité

Téléchargez le plan d'accessibilité le plus récent.

Accessibility Feedback

La ville de Cochrane souhaite recevoir des commentaires sur l'accessibilité de ses programmes et services, ainsi que sur l'accès aux biens pour les personnes handicapées vivant dans sa communauté. Vos commentaires aident la ville à déterminer les changements à envisager et les moyens de rendre la prestation de nos programmes et services municipaux plus accessible aux résidents de notre communauté qui vivent avec des handicaps et d'améliorer l'accessibilité de nos installations municipales.

Demande de documents dans un format accessible

Documents are available in various accessible formats upon request. You may download the Accessible Document Request Form below or by contacting the Clerk’s Department information below.

Service du greffe

171 Quatrième Avenue
Cochrane, ON P0L 1C0
Tel : 705-272-4361
Fax : 705-272-6068


The Town of Cochrane provides specialized transportation (Access Transit) services to eligible residents and visitors who, due to a disability, are unable to access traditional transportation services.  Cochrane Access Transit provides door-to-door service within the boundaries of the Town of Cochrane, seven days a week, twenty-four hours day.

Approved guidelines for the use of Cochrane Access Transit are as follows:

  • Persons who are physically unable to climb or descend steps used on conventional public transit facilities and/or
  • Persons who are unable to walk a distance of 175 meters ( 575 feet )
  • Those persons who are temporarily disabled because of illness or injury (These people are subject to review if the service is still required after the expiration date)
  • Persons who are visually impaired (Documentation is required

Access Transit Tickets are $7.00 each and may be purchased at the municipal office (Town Hall) during normal office hours, 8:30 am to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday at (705) 272-4361.

The Town of Cochrane delivers Access Transit services through a contracted service provider (Flash Co Taxi).

A signed copy of your Access Transit application form may be delivered or sent to the Clerk’s Department at the Cochrane Town Hall in additional to the part B completed by your physician.

Access Transit Van Features
  • Ambulatory entrance door on the right side of the vehicle, with a manual ramp.  Wheelchairs are entered with the assistance of the operator.
  • Lights at the ramp door and passenger access door to automatically light up the area when the doors are open.
  • There is three (3) ambulatory seating for 3 passengers and one (1) non-ambulatory seating.
Access Transit Service Provider

Flash Co. Taxi
Cochrane, ON P0L 1C0
Tel : 705-271-5577

Comité consultatif sur l'accessibilité

Le comité consultatif sur l'accessibilité conseille le conseil municipal sur les questions relatives à l'accessibilité des personnes handicapées, conformément à la loi de 2001 sur les personnes handicapées de l'Ontario (LPHO), et à la mise en œuvre des normes d'accessibilité prévues par la loi de 2005 sur l'accessibilité pour les personnes handicapées de l'Ontario (LAPHO) et ses règlements d'application.

Access Transit


Samedi 8 marsth et le dimanche 9 marsth, 2025

La cinquième rue sera fermée  à partir de l'intersection de 7th à 8th Avenue 

et le côté est de 9th à 11th Avenue

de 6 h 00 à 19 h 00